
The Georg Eckert Institute will award for the fifth time the Robert-Hermann-Tenbrock Grant

This grant is to be awarded to scholars and textbook authors from Germany and abroad committed to international textbook research or to the design of new teaching material in the fields of history, geography or the social sciences.

The focus of research should be on European issues, ideally on one of the following aspects:

  • Patterns of European identity construction
  • Identity constructions with regard to inclusion and exclusion/boundary drawing
  • How diversity and ‘diversity education’ are addressed     

Studies on how ‘Europe’ is perceived from an external perspective are also welcome.

The grant of 1,500 € per month, including free accommodation in the Institute’s guest house as well as the reimbursement of travel expenses, will cover a research visit lasting a maximum of 2 months at the Georg Eckert Institute during the year 2011.

Applications with curriculum vitae and a detailed project description should be sent, preferably by email (Subject: ‘Tenbrock-Stipendium’) by 31 October, 2010 to the

Director of the
Georg Eckert Institute
for International Textbook Research
Celler Str. 3
D- 38114 Braunschweig

Email: sekretariat(at)
