Eckert. Die Schriftenreihe

Georg Stöber (ed.): Zwischen Ökonomie und Ökologie? Raumstruktureller Wandel, Raumplanung und Nutzungskonflikte in Deutschland und Polen

Volume 130

Göttingen: V&R unipress, 2012. 222 p. ISBN 978-3-89971-956-7, 50,00 €

The transformation of spatial structure often sparks controversy. Conflicts often arise in relation to changes to specific land usage which are argued out in ecological or economic terms, and place special emphasis on individual or particular viewpoints or on viewpoints held in society as a whole. State planning applies standards in order to call attention to possibilities and limits and to determine the procedure required to ensure that conflicts are contained within reasonable limits. If such conflicts spread across borders it is likely that further complications will arise, where national mechanisms of conflict resolution are inadequate. The essays collected in this volume approach this subject matter from different angles while drawing on examples from Poland and Germany. Some of them adopt a comparative approach, while others address issues in one of the two countries in order to explore different aspects of transformation processes, planning and conflicts over land usage in which thoroughly different perceptions of the tense relationship between economics and ecology become apparent.

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