Statement on Accesibility

The Leibniz Institute for Educational Media | Georg Eckert Institute (GEI) is committed to making its web pages accessible in accordance with national legal regulations that implement Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and the Council of Europe on the accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies.

Legal basis

The legal basis is the federal disability equality act (BGG), the disability equality act for Lower Saxony (NBGG), and the Lower Saxony directive on the accessibility of information technology in public sector bodies (NBITVO) in their applicable valid form.

The technical requirements stem from the directive on accessible information technology (BITV 2.0).

Current compatibility with requirements

This website is largely compatible with the guidelines laid out in the harmonised European standard EN 301 549. This estimation is based on an assessment test carried out by Materna Information & Communications SE on behalf of the state of Lower Saxony in August 2023.

Information on this statement

This statement on barrier-free access was drawn up on 25.07.2024. It applies to the currently available website with the domain This statement was last revised on 26.07.2024.

Content that is not yet fully accessible


The areas that can be controlled by keyboard actions are not highlighted.

Action: We are attempting to resolve this technical issue so that all elements of the website can be operated via the keyboard.


The contrast between the text and the background is insufficient. The contrast is worsened by a change of colour when specific buttons are selected.

Action: Implementation of a toggle button to switch to a colour with better contrast.


Certain visual elements and graphics are missing appropriate alternative texts.

Action: In future, alternative text will be entered for every visual element.


The PDF documents linked to from the website are not fully accessible.

Action: When new documents are created using the PDF format, attention will be paid to accessible design. Exceptions to this will be documents and files made available from third-parties and which represent supplementary material, or whose content is also available elsewhere in HTML format.

Areas that are not fully accessible, because it would represent a disproportionate strain on resources (Section 9 a Para. 4 NBGG):


The website currently has no plain language or easy read texts.

Action: Easy read texts will be written for the description of the Institute and navigation around the website. No further texts will be translated into easy read format.

The target audience of the website is predominantly those in academic and education fields. The use of relevant specialist terminology and expressions on certain areas of our website is due to their use by those target groups and their academic background. This particularly applies to descriptions of academic research projects, meaning that it is not possible for the available content to fulfil the accessibility requirements in this sense. Nevertheless, the editorial team strives for clarity and comprehensibility in the wording of the texts. The GEI apologises to those who may encounter such barriers and asks for their understanding.

Feedback and contact details

If you should encounter content on our website that is not fully accessible or if you require information regarding non-accessible content, please send an e-mail to schwerbehindertenbeauftragte[at] with the subject ‘Barrierefreiheit’ [accessibility].

Arbitration process

The regional representative for people with disabilities in Lower Saxony (Landesbeauftragten für Menschen mit Behinderungen in Niedersachsen) has an arbitration board in accordance with Section 9d NBGG. The arbitration board is responsible for resolving conflicts between persons with disabilities and public sector bodies in Lower Saxony with regard to information technology accessibility.

The arbitration process is free of charge and you do not need a legal representative. The internet site for the arbitration board contains information (in German) regarding the arbitration process and how to make an application to the board. An easy read language version of the application form is also available.

The arbitration board can be reached directly by:
