Prof. Ernesto William De Luca

Prof. Ernesto William De Luca

Human-Centred Technologies for Educational Media

Ernesto William De Luca is the head of the Digital Information and Research Infrastructures department (MTB) and was appointed professor for research infrastructures in the digital humanities at The Institute of Technical and Business Information Systems (ITI) in the Faculty of Computer Science at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg in 2018. He heads the research group ‘Human-centred artificial intelligence’ at the university which researches a number of areas related to human-centred artificial intelligence (HCAI) and Human-Centred Design (HCD), with a particular focus on responsible AI, ethical AI, machine learning, natural language processing, human-computer interaction, user-adaptive systems und usability

He studied computational linguistics at Bielefeld University. He then took a position as a research fellow in the research institute ITC-IRST (now FBK) in Trento, Italy and gained his doctorate in computer science from the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg with a thesis examining ‘Semantic support in multilingual text retrieval’.

After completing his PhD and undertaking post-doctoral work at the Otto von Guericke University, Professor De Luca was head of the ‘Information Retrieval und Machine Learning’ competence centre at the TU Berlin’s DAI Laboratory.

He was professor of information technology at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam between 2012 and 2017 and until March 2015 was head of their Institute for Information and Documentation (IID) and vice-president of the department for International and Information Technology.

His research focuses on information retrieval, machine learning, recommender systems, data analysis and computational linguistics

In addition to writing books and journal articles on these subjects he has also written over 80 papers for national and international conferences, organised numerous workshops and sat on the programme committees of high-profile conferences.
