Janina Becker
Janina Becker has worked in the Media | Transformation department since 2019. As the pedagogical head of the Institute’s digital lab ‘The Basement’ she coordinates its range of products and services, investigates current technological and spatial design trends in the area of digital education and designs and further develops the space and what it can offer based on current research. Working at this interface between practice and research, she develops formats and initiates projects for the different user groups that come to The Basement. She represents the Basement within the Transfer area of the Institute and provides support for colleagues in the development of innovative transfer formats and the application of transfer methods developed through the project ‘Knowledge for the market (WiMa).
Janina Becker studied ‘The culture of the technical and scientific world’ in Braunschweig and worked at the TU Braunschweig from 2016 to 2018 as a media educator in the ‘Teaching and Media Education’ (Lehre und Medienbildung) project group. She combined current didactic theories for higher education with findings from media studies and produced guides to a range of digital tools relevant to teaching (e.g. online courses, webinars about AdobeConnect…)
During 2018 and 2019 she went to Xiamen University, VR China as a fellow of the Robert Bosch Stiftung to teach academic writing and communication in the German Studies department. In addition to teaching she also directed the team responsible for the Science-Culture-Slam which was held in spring 2019 in Xiamen.
Completed projects:
- Wissen für den Markt (Knowledge for the market) (2019-2022): Development and testing of innovative transfer methods for humanities and social sciences researchers. Creation of a methodology toolkit for transfer activities (‘Toolbox’).
- Development of a digital lab (2019-2021): The GEI’s digital lab, ‘The Basement’ provides researchers, teachers, students and developers with the opportunity to investigate the potential of digital educational media for social studies subjects and to develop new ideas away from the everyday routine of school life.
- Transformationen der Leistung in Schule und Bildungsmedien. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. (in press). (Edited with M. Tribukait and A. Weich)
Currently in peer review:
- ‘Medienkompetenz als schulische Leistung? Vermittlungsgegenstand Medienkompetenz im Spannungsverhältnis von politischem Rahmen, Theorie und Praxis’. In Transformationen der Leistung in Schule und Bildungsmedien. J. Becker, M. Tribukait and A. Weich (eds.), Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. (in press) (with F. Meyer).
- ‘Transformationen der Leistung in Schule und Bildungsmedien: Einleitung‘. In Transformationen der Leistung in Schule und Bildungsmedien, J. Becker, M. Tribukait and A. Weich (eds.), Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. (in press) (with M. Tribukait, and A. Weich).
- 'The Basement - ein "Klassenraum der Zukunft"‘. In Lehr-Lern-Labore und Digitalisierung, M. Meier, K. Ziepprecht, M. Hammann, R. Wodzinski and G. Greefrath (eds.), Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. (With M. Tribukait).
- ‘Problemorientiertes Lernen’. In Handbuch Innovative Lehre (p. 303-310). S. Kauffeld and J. Othmer (eds.), Wiesbaden: Springer, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. (2019). (With V. Mayer and S. Kauffeld)
- ‘Identitätenlotto: ein Lehr-Lern-Spiel quer durchs Leben zum Thema Gender, Vielfalt und soziale Ungleichheit‘. In Handbuch Innovative Lehre (p. 269-285). S. Kauffeld and J. Othmer (eds.), Wiesbaden: Springer, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden (2019). (With J. Wedl and V. Mayer).